1. Hair toppers are known for concealing hair loss or thin hair on top of the head. Once you clip it in and have the right base size for you, all signs of hair loss are covered! Hair toppers can help to enhance your own hair volume and thickness.

2. Less damage to your own hair! As a hair topper is the “top layer” of hair on show, that is the most important to style, and your own hair underneath can get some TLC. If your topper is human hair, you can heat style it to your hearts content.

3. They are much lighter to wear than a wig. Oftentimes, a wig is slightly heavier on the head, compared to a topper, particularly lace toppers, which are so light you may forget you have one on.

4. Your own hair is left out. This is one of the top benefits of wearing a hair topper. You can let your own natural hair out and blend it with the topper hairline and around the sides and back, for a really natural look.

5. Highly realistic. After you have spent a short amount of time blending the topper with your own hair and styling it, will look highly natural, and no one will be able to tell you’re wearing a topper.

6. Hair toppers come in a huge variety. Hair toppers come in synthetic fibre or human hair, and come in a range of sophisticated colors, with expert highlights and balayage.

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